Lately, you all must be hearing the word “Recycling” everywhere, and most of you must be thinking — Is recycling that important? Can anyone do it or you need certain expertise? How can I start my recycling journey?
If you too have all these questions in mind, then you’ve come to the right place because today, we’ll answer to all your questions.
So let’s first talk about the waste management solutions in India.
Waste management solutions in india
In any country, there are broadly two types of waste management solutions — Centralized waste management solutions and Decentralized waste management solutions.
Centralized waste management solutions are the one that are managed by the govt. The best examples of such type of solutions are the garbage truck by MCD, BMC or any other state body that comes to pick your garbage.
Whereas Decentralized waste management solutions refers to managing waste effectively at the source itself. Reuse, composting, waste segregation, etc. are some of its examples.
Importance of Decentralized waste management solutions
You’ll surprised to know that out of 1.50 lakh metric tonne (MT) of solid waste collected every day in India, only 20% (27,000 MT per day) is processed and the rest is dumped at landfill sites. Worse – approximately 90% (1,35,000 MT per day) of the total amount is collected waste.
Because of our “unchecked for decades” waste management practices, i.e. throwing all waste in a single pot whether it’s dry or wet, organic or plastic, etc.
This makes it difficult for municipal workers to segregate the waste and manage it accordingly.
That’s where the importance of decentralized waste management practices such as recycling comes into the picture.
Benefits of Recycling
Reduce emission of Greenhouse gases
A typical waste cycle in India looks like this:

But with recycling, we’re eliminating the “Dump” part, and instead using the used product/by product to create something new.
This way there would be less load on the landfills, thus, reducing the emission of greenhouse gases such as methane that landfills generate.
Reduces the Need to Harvest New Materials
Whether it’s Nike’s Move to Zero program or Zara’s Clothing Collection Program, brands around the globe are promoting recycling.
It’s an obvious move to promote brand’s image, but it also brings down the cost of harvesting raw materials.
The increasing demand for raw materials displaces many who live near to these resources, for example forests or around river systems.
With recycling, we also reduce the possibility of damaging someone else’s land or community.
Helps the nature to grow
Composting — is perhaps the best form of recycling that you can do… Why?
Because composting not only prevents the organic waste to end up in landfill and emit green house gases such as methane, but it also turns the waste into compost that can further help replenishing essential nutrients back to the soil.
Composting for individuals
Composting is simple and almost everyone can do it at home. You just need to collect all your organic wastes & pile them in your backyard.
However, make sure that your compost pile is well balanced in order to let the composting happen. The ideal composition of a composting pile is:
1/3rd Green (Common household waste that is rich in nitrogen) + 2/3rd Brown (Paper, woods, cardboard, etc. that is rich in carbon)
There’s more to composting that we can’t cover here, so make sure to study or follow us on instagram
Composting for organizations
If you’re an organization who produces a good amount of organic waste daily but don’t want to spend your resources, time & space into composting it then you can try the Organic waste converters like GoClean organic waste composters.
These composters comes in various capacities ranging from anywhere 25 KG upto 1000 KG. With them you can convert your organic waste into compost in 24 hours.
Some composters can also give you other by-products. For example, GoClean organic waste converter can also converter your temple waste into havan samagri & fuel sticks.
So if you’re a society who is looking for making it’s name in local newspapers, or an NGO that wants to aware people about waste management, or a business that wants to adopt a sustainable model, our GoClean composters can perfectly contribute to your cause.
To sum up all that has been stated, Recycling is the need of the present and the possibility of better future. Also, recycling is not only meant for the big organizations, but at an individual level too we can do things composting, etc. to contribute our bit to environment.
That’s all for today. If you like this one, make sure to share.